Saturday, June 7, 2014

Killing I have done

Every plant given to me, or us.  Pretty quickly, too.  Many trout, a small number of bluefish, striped bass, largemouth bass, perch and panfish, all to eat, about which I feel fine and wish to do more.  A few fish to show off, about which I feel less fine.  A mouse the cat brought in when I was in my teens.  It's back was broken.  I took it out in the yard and killed it with a hatchet.  Mice in the attic, with various "traps."  They do more than trap.  The occasional squirrel or chipmunk with my car.  There is only so much you can do.  The bird that broke its neck against the window of a house I bought?  I refuse to accept responsibility for that.  Japanese beetles, which my brothers and I pulled off the potato plants and dropped into a coffee can with a couple of inches of gasoline.  Old coffee cans were mighty handy.  Many worms, for fishing, and bugs, for all the reasons one kills bugs.  I feel like there is a garter snake back there somewhere, too, it's head cut off with a hoe.  But why would I have done that?

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